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The perfect way to create those fluffy natural looking brows. Microblading can create full big fluffy brows or small delicate natural looking brows.
Not suitable for oily skin types
Lasts around 12- 18 months and then maintenance needed

Ombre brows don’t have to be big and bold, they can be soft and beautiful. Ombre brows will give you a full brow without needing to add makeup to them. The ombre fade at the front into a darker tail is what makes these brows stand out
Suitable for every skin type

Blade and shade is a combination of the above. We keep the brow fluffy but add some background colour to keep depth. The perfect brow for someone that wants natural but doesn’t have enough hair themselves to blend everything.

Lip blush tattooing is becoming incredibly popular. The treatment creates natural fuller looking lips adding colour and definition. This treatment is popular with all ages and is a great alternative to filler.

Creating the perfect eyeliner is just so dreamy, the look can create the illusion of bigger eyes. You can chose how thick you like your liner, whether you want to add a flick or simply keep it to the lash line